2022 Sisters Oregon Artist Studio Tour September 24-25
Lynn Brush is joining Diane Hallstrom's Art Studio for the Sixth Annual Artist Studio Tour sponsored by Sisters Arts Association. Lynn and her husband moved to the Sisters area recently. She is an established oil painter with years of experience painting landscapes and European cityscapes. Her website is at: www.lbbrushfineart.com
This year there are 32 artists participating in the event at 19 studio locations. The event takes place from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on September 24th and 25th. Tour Guides are available at many local Galleries, lodging facilities, restaurants, and businesses throughout Sisters, Bend and the surrounding area. The Guides are also available at www.sistersartsassociation.org. Hop in the car and enjoy a self guided tour of Art Studios and enjoy the amazingly diverse artistic talents of artists in the area. Hope to see you.
Painting by Lynn Brush - Paris Boulevard
