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Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts 2022

After having activities restricted and suspended the past two years due to COVID, the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts is back at the Lakewood Center! According to officials, there is a tremendous number of paintings and tremendous excitement surrounding the Festival that takes place in Lake Oswego Oregon on June 25-26. The Festival hours are 10:00 am until 6:00 pm Friday the 25th and 10:00 am until 5:00 pm Sunday the 26th.

There are several Shows connected with the Festival including: 1) A Youth Exhibit; 2) An Invitational Show for previous Award Winning Artists; 3) The Artist's Vision; 4) Soundscape; and 5) The Open Show. Also, across the street in George Roger's Park there are Booths and a Food Venue along with scheduled entertainment.

Several years prior to COVID I participated in the Art Festival in the Open and Juried Shows. The Festival is a great venue for artists and art in the Pacific Northwest. The Show has always been kind to me and I am a big fan.

Seven original paintings are displayed and for sale in the Open Show. I will be on-sight during the Show, and I very much look forward to speaking with art enthusiasts, friends, and family members during the course of the weekend. This year each artist's paintings will be displayed together in one location per artist instead of being distributed throughout the Open Show as practiced previously. Artists are not able to continuously stay with their art at the Show, so please text, email or call and I will respond. I'd love to say "hi", talk art, and answer any questions about my paintings, style, process etc. to the limits of my ability. I'm sure someone might stretch me to the limits on that, but there is no way anyone can deter my enthusiasm, joy and passion for the process of painting.

I sincerely hope you find time to participate in the Art Festival activities to experience the variety of creativity in the art presented.


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